May. 31, 2014

Starch to Make , Cold Water Starch

Ingredients --  2 tablespoon fuls of starch , 1//2 pint of cold water ,  a quart of boiling water

Mode -- Mix the starch in a good sized basin , with the cold water til smooth , stirring it with a wooden spoon , and , putting the basin close to the fire , pour over the boiling water , stirring all the time , put on a little borax or stir with a wax candle , then cover the basin , and when the starch is cool enough for the hand to be put in , use it , a few drops of turpentine and a tiny piece of spermaceti are sometimes used to prevent the starch from sticking when ironing


Mix a teacupful of starch to a smooth cream with cold water , then add a dessertspoonful of borax dissolved in boilng water