The most natural way of conveying thought , is by speaking , seeing and hearing , yet we give expression in a comprehensive way by other means and through other channels .
Language in the generally accepted term , is a means of communicating our thought , and if we make our meaning plain it is immaterial what method we employ .
What can be more pleasing to the senses than beutiful flowers ? Their form , their great variety , and sharp contrast of colour , combined with delicious fragrence , make them the most attractive of all nature's productions to old and young , rich and poor .
In health it is our delight to pluck and admire them , while nothing can be more cheerful or welcome to the invalid and sick ; if weary in body and mind , or indulging in leisure and luxury , the sweet , fragrant flower is our chosen companion .
It is just and right that flowers are made to express sentiments of love or serve as tributes of affection , and premiums of honour , valour and fame.
The following is the language of flowers arranged in alphabetical order
Acacia = Concealed love Acacia , Rose = Friendship Acanthus =Arts
Adonis Vernalia = Bitter memories Agnus Castus =Coldness Agrimony = Thankfulness
Almond =Hope Aloe =Superstition Althea =Consumed by love
Alyssum, Sweet =Worth beyond beauty Amaranth = Immortality Amaryllis = Splendid beauty
Ambrosia =Love returned Anemone = Expectation Angelica = Inspiration
Apple = Temptation Apple Blossom =Preference Arbor Vitae = Unchanging friendship
Arbutus,Trailing = Welcome Arnui = Ardor Ash=Grandeur
Ash,Mountain =Prudence Aspen =Lamentaation Asphodel=Regrets beyond the grave
Aurilica=Avarice Azalea = Romance
Bachelor's Button = Hope in love Balm = Sympathy Balm of Gilead=Healing
Balsam = Impatience Barberry= Satire Basil = Hatred
Bay Leaf = No change till death Beech = Prosperity Bee Ophrys=Error
Bee Orchis =Industry Bell Flower =Gratitude Bilberry=Treachory
Birch = Meekness Black Bryony =Be my support Blue Bottle=Delicacy
Borage = Bluntness Box = Constancy Briers = Envy
Broken Straw = Constancy Broom = Neatness Buckbran = Calm repose
Bugloss = Falsehood Burdock = Importunity Buttercup =Riches
actus = Thou lovest me Calla Lily =Feminine beauty Camelia = Pity
Candytuft = Inndifference Canterbury Bell= Gratitude Cape Jasmine=Ecstasy
Cardinal Flower= Distinction Carnation,Yellow=Distain Catchfly,Red =Youthful love
Catchfly,White= Victim Cedar = I live for thee Celandine= Future joy
Cherry Tree= Good education Chickweed = I cling to thee Chickory = Frugality
China Aster=I will think of thee China Pink=Aversion Chrysanthemum Rose=In love
Chrysanthemum,White=Truth Chrysanthemum,Yellow=Slighted love Cinquefoil=Beloved child
Clematis =Artifice Clover, Red= Industry Cobcea = Gossip
Coxcomb = Floppery Colchicum =Best days fled Coltsfoot=Justice
Columbine = Folly Columbine,Purple=Resolved Columbine,Red=Anxious
Convolvulus,Major=Dead hope Convolvulus,Minor=Uncertainty Corn = Riches
Cornelian Cherry=Durability Coronilla = Success to you Cowslip=Pensiveness
Cowslip,American=Divinity Crocus = Cheerfulness Crown Imperial=Majesty
Currents = You please me Cypress = Mourning Cypress & Marigold=Despair
Daffodil = Chivalry Dahlia =Forever thine Daisy,Michaelmas=Farewell
Daisy,Red = Beauty umknown Daisy, White=Innocence Dandelion= Coquetry
Daphne Mezereon=Desire to please Dead Leaves=Sadness Diosma = Usefulness
Dittany = Birth Dock = Patience Dodder = Meanness
Dogwood , Flowering = Am I indifferent to you ?
Ebony = Hypocrisy Eglantine = I wound to heal Elder = Compassion
Elm = Dignity Endine = Frugality Epignea = Beauty
Eupatorium = Delay Evening Primrose = Inconstancy Evergreen =Poverty
Everlasting = Never-ceasing Filbert = Reconciliation Fir =Elevation
Flax =Ifeel your kindness Flora Bell = Without pretention Flowering Reed=Confide in heaven
Forget-me-not =True love Foxglove =Insincerity Fraxinella = Fire
Frittillaria =Perscution Furze = Anger Fuchsia - Taste
Gardenia =Transport Gentian,Fringed =Intrinsic Worth Geranium Ivy=Your hand for next dance
Geranium,Nutmeg=Iexpect meeting Geranium,Rose=Prefrence Goldenrod=Encouragement
Gooseberry =Anticipation Goosefoot = Goodness Grape = Charity
Grass = Utility Guelder , Rose =Writer Hareball = Grief
Hawthorn = Hope Heart's Ease = Think of me Hazel=Reconciliation
Helenium = Tears Heliotrope = Devotion Hellebore =Scandal
Henbane = Blemish Hepatica = Confidence Hibiscus =Delicate beauty
Holly = Foresight Hollyhock,White =Ambition Honeysuckle=Love
Hop = Injustice Hornbeam = Ornament Horse-chesnut = Luxury
House-lick = Economy Houstonia = Content Hoya = Sculpture
Hyacinth,Blue=Constancy Hyacinth,Purple=Sorrow Hydrangea=Heartlessness
Iceplant = Your looks freeze me Indian Cress=Resignation Iris = Message
Ivy = Friendship,Matrimony Jessamine,Cape=Transient Joy Jessamine,White =Amiability Jessamine,Yellow=Grace Jonquil = Return affection Judas Tree=Betrayed Juniper = Perfect loveliness Kalamia=Trechery
Kennedia =Intellectual beauty
Laburnum = Pensive beauty Lady's Slipper=Capricious Lagerstroema = Eloquence
Lantana =Rigor Larch = Boldness Larkspur = Fickleness
Laurel = Glory Laurestine =I die of neglect Lavender = Distrust
Lemon Blossom=Discretion Lettuce =Cold hearted Lilac = First emotion of love
Liliac,White = Youth Lily = Purity, Modesty Lily, Day=Coquetry
Lily of the Valley =Return of joy Lily ,Water=Eloquence Lily,Yellow =Falsehood
Linden = Conjugal love Live Oak = Liberty Liverwort=Confidence
Locust =Affection beyond grave London Pride=Frivolity Love in a Mist=Puzzled
Lucerne =Life Luugwort =Thou art my life Lupin = Imagination
Lychnis =Religious vivor Lythrum = Pretension Madder = Calumny
Maiden's Hair =Discretion Magnolia,Chinese=Nature Magnolia,Swamp=Perse
ence Magnolia,Grandiflora =Peerless , Proud Mallo = Sweetness
Mandrake =Honour Maple = Reserve Marigold=Cruelity
Marjoram = Blushes Marshmallow=Beneficence Mint = Virtue
Mistletoe= Surmount difficulties Mock Orange=Counterfeit Moonwort=Forgetful
Morning Glory=Coquetry Moss= Material love Motherwort=Secret love
Mouse-ear= Simplicity Mulberry, White=Wisdom Mullein=Good nature
Mushroom =Suspicion Mush Plant=Weakness Mustard=Indifference
Myosotis = Forget me not Myrtle = Love
Flowers N*O*P
Narcissus=Egotism Nasturtium=Patriotism Nettle=Cruelty ,Slander
Night Blooming Cereus=Transient beauty Nightshade=Bitter truth
Oak = Hospitality Oats =Music Oleander= Beware
Orange = Generosity Orange Flower=Chastity Orchis= Beauty
Osier = Frankness Osmunda = Dreams Pansy = Think of me
Parsley = Entertainment Pasque = Unpretentious Passion Flower=Fervor
Pea = Appointed meeting Pea , Sweet=Departure Peach Blossom=My heart
is thine Pear Tree= Affection Peony = Anger Pennyroyal=Flee away
Periwinkle=Sweet memories Petunia = Am not proud Phlox=Our souls united
Pimpernel =Change Pine = Time Pineapple=You are perfect
Pine,Spruce =Farewell Pink , Clove = Dignity Plum Tree= Keep promise
Poplar,Black=Courage Poplar,White =Time Poppy=Consolation
Poppy,White=Sleep of the heart Pomegranate=Foolishness Potato=Beneficence
Primrose = Early youth Primrose,Evening=Inconstancy Pumpkin =Coarseness
Quince = Temptation Reeds = Music Rose = Beauty
Rose ,Barolina =Love is dangerous Rose,Bridal=Happy love Rose,Cabbbage=Love's embassador Rose,China=Grace Rose,Damask=Freshness Rose, Hundred Leaf= Pride Rose,Maiden's Blush=Your love will find me Rose,Moss=Superior
Rose,Mulitiflora=Grace Rose,Muskcluster=Charming Rose,Sweetbrier=Sympathy
Rose,tea= Always lovely Rose,White=Worthy Rose,Wild=Simplicity
Rose,Yellow=Diminished love Rose,Garland=Virtue Rosebud =Young girl
Rosebud ,Moss=Confessed love Rosemary =Rejuvination Rue =Distain
Rush = Docility Saffron =Excesss Sage=Esteem
Satiinflower=Sincerity Scabious,Mourning Bride=Widowhood Snowball=Heaven
Sorrel =Wit ill timed Spearmint=Warm feelings Star of Bethlehem=Reconciileation
Starwort=Welcome Stock=Promptitude Strmonium=Disguise
Strawberry =Perfect excellence Sumac=Spendor Sunflower =Pride
Sunflower,Dwarf=Devout admirer Sweet Sultan =Felecity Sweet William=Artifice
Sycamore = Curosity Syringa =Memory
Tansy =I declare against you Teasel =Misanthropy Thistle=Austerity
Thorn,Apple=Deceitful Thorn,Black=Difficulty Thorns= Severity
Thrift = Sympathy Thyme = Activity Tiger Flower=Pride befriend thee
Trumpet Flower =Seperation Tuberose =Dangerous pleasure Tulip=Declared love
TulipTree =Rural Happiness Turnip =Charity Turnip,Yellow=Hpoeless love
Valerian = Accommodating Venus Flytrap = Caught at last Venus looking glass=Flattery
Verbena =Sensibility Vine = Intoxicating Violet,Blue=Love
Violet,White =Modesty Violet, Yellow = Modest worth Virgin's Bower=filial love
Wall Flower = Fidelity Walnut =Stratagem Weeping Willow=Forsaken
Wheat = Prosperity Woodbine =Fraternal love Wood Sorrrel =Joy
Wormwood =Absence Yarrow =Cure for heartache Yew = Sorrow
Zennae= Absent Friends
In closing , we advise ladies going into the country to provide little "Dame Trot" baskets , as they will be lovely when filled with flowers or ferns
Flowers may be arranged in the most varied and whimsical fancies , although many times a most gorgeous effect is produced by massing a single colour or species
All attempts to prevent tributes at funerals fail , and on nearly all these sad occations we see new and poetic ideas expressed by floral emblems
One of the most beautiful designs is the "Gates Ajar", the "Gates" paneled with lilies and surmounted by doves , holding sprays of passion-vine in their beaks
Flowers express our thoughts in silence